Frequently Asked Questions.

We have tried to answer the most common questions we get, below. If there is other information you require please do not hesitate to call us on (04) 479-7101.

Is treatment funded by ACC?

ACC treatment is subsidised. A patient co-payment is charged.

What shall I wear to my appointment?

Your regular clothes, or something loose fitting; perhaps wear or bring some shorts if your injury involves your knee/ankle.

What shall I expect on my first appointment?

The physiotherapist will discuss your injury with you and complete an examination. Where relevant some treatment may be completed and a plan made with you for treatment options going forward.

You are on the first floor at Khandallah. Do you have a lift?

Yes we do have a lift, which you are welcome to use.

What else do I need to know?

If it’s your first appointment please arrive 5-10minutes early to fill out some forms. If you have any relevant documentation from other health professionals or ACC please bring them along if possible.

How long are the appointments?

Appointments are up to 30minutes, unless previously stipulated by the physiotherapist.

What if I need to cancel my appointment, will I be charged?

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please call us within 4 hours of your appointment time. If you do not inform us and fail to attend you may be charged a discretionary $30.

Is there parking?

There is parking available outside the building at both clinics.

Do you accept Southern Cross / Community Services Cards?

Yes we do. Please bring the relevant documentation/card with your membership number and we will be able to process that for you. CSC holders will receive a $10 discount on their physiotherapy appointment.

Do you offer home visits?

Yes, but only in the Khandallah or Churton Park area and only when the condition is such that the client is unable to make it into the practice. Once mobile enough, clients will be treated at the practice where the facilities allow for a more comprehensive service.

Are chaperones allowed?

Yes, we fully support your right to have a chaperone present during your visit.

Are cultural requirements catered for?

If you have any cultural requirement that we need to be aware of, please don’t hesitate to inform your physiotherapist.

How are we ensuring your safety whilst at KPC?

As a physiotherapy business we are governed by Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) of which we follow their direction and legislation. We will be screening everyone that enters the clinic to ensure the risk of transmission is mitigated. We will continue to use face masks if required, good hygiene, thorough cleaning and good ventilation within the practice. All our staff are vaccinated.

Will you be treating unvaccinated people?

Yes. As stated by the PNZ and MoH we are not able to ask for vaccination status of our patients to provide physiotherapy services. Everyone has equal access rights to physiotherapy.

Are unvaccinated people allowed to attend classes or the gym?

Yes. Classes and gym attendance no longer require proof of a vaccine pass, which aligns with the MoH guidelines for gyms in New Zealand. We also have online classes available.

Second opinions.

We are a practice with very skilled physiotherapists. If you are not progressing as expected, your physiotherapist may recommend you are reviewed, for a second opinion by another physiotherapist within the practice or referred to an appropriate specialist. Or, if you are not progressing the way you envisaged, please feel free to discuss with your physiotherapist the option of having a second opinion.


We really appreciate your feedback. It gives us the opportunity to improve our service. A suggestion box is located in the reception. Both questionnaires and suggestion forms are available to fill out. Please feel free to complete either or both of the forms.


If you’re keen to join our team then get in contact. We’d love to talk to you. We’re always on the look out to expand our team with the right people.