Rehabilitation services
Our expert clinicians are fully trained in treating a variety of conditions including, but not limited to:
Sports injuries, sprains, strains, muscle imbalances
Back and neck injuries
Joint and muscle pain
Neurological Rehabilitation
High Performance Athlete Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation following fracture or traumatic injury
Rehabilitation following elective surgery, such as a joint replacement
Overuse injuries
Sports specific pre-season assessment and conditioning programmes for all ages
General wellness and strengthening programmes
Gym & exercise Rehabilitation
We strongly believe in physiotherapy that not only treats your injury but looks beyond the immediate problem.
A specialist rehab programme can help you get stronger than you were prior to your injury.
We have a fully functional rehab gym that provides patients with the latest equipment to complete their prescribed rehab programmes.
Our Physios offer individualised rehab programmes during and post physio treatment encouraging patients to be their best and stronger than when they came in.
Vocational Rehabilitation
We work in consultation with ACC as a provider of vocational rehab services. These services are designed to enable people to stay at work and return to work safely.
We offer work-site assessments to help people stay fit and healthy in their work environment. We also provide manual handling seminars and vocational services to meet specific business needs.
Other vocational services we offer:
Stay At Work (SAW)
Return To Work (RTW)
Workplace Assessments
Functional Rehabilitation
Pre-Employment Health Screening
Contract Services
We provide physiotherapy services under the following ACC contracts (referral required through ACC), working closely with a number of multidisciplinary providers. These services range from inhouse community support to clinical rehabilitation:
Training for Independence (TI)
Integrated Home and Community Services (IHCS)
Concussion Services
Our expert clinicians are fully trained and can utilise a variety of treatments including:
Manual therapy and Manipulation;
Soft tissue release;